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Pound It!

Pound It! started out as a podcast, and then turned into a youtube channel where me, Alex Rosales, and a couple friends upload comedic bits and stuff. We were being dumb in high-school playing with editing and acting—even the name is a joke… but there are a couple of gems in there. Maybe it’s all trash to you, i dunno. It’s a time-capsule of that time and it seems fitting to put on my website. Sometimes there’s even new videos… wowza. Click that bold link. I know you want to.

Listed below are a couple videos that I’ve starred in and or edited/conceptualized with Alex.

Pound It! (2020)

 Pound It! (2019)


Pound It! (2018)

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Thomas Barkley, a Guidance Counselor, tries to balance managing high schoolers' problems when his own life is a mess. A Short Film Directed by Alex Rosales, Starring Justin Cox, Gabriel Chez, Alia Moussa, Janice Jackson, Luis Hernandez, Paulina Sanchez, and Hailey Castro.

 Pound It! (2017)


 Pound It! (2016)