/Votekick (2017)

A social deduction card game based around the idea of designing and packaging a lie (solo project). The game includes satirical illustrations of the type of people lurking the internet, the goal of the game is to lie about your identity or catch someone lying about their identity on an internet chatroom. The concepts of the game derive from the dangers of total anonymity on the web, as there are multiple people trying to scam, trick, or harm you.

/Votekick - Process Book

 Drink the Koolaid Boardgame (2019)

Pavlov’s Dog - Senior Thesis Book (2018) 

A project based on the psychological concept of Pavlov's Dog being used in a Videogame to aid those afflicted with OCD (solo project).

Pushback Mini-Boardgame (2019)

Pushback is a strategy based game where the goal is to knock off all of the opposing player’s tokens off of the game board OR move 5 of their tokens to the opposing players starting zone to win (2 person team). I was responsible for the board, instructions, and game design. The pieces are 3D-printed and designed by my dev partner.

3D Tarot Cards (2018)

Cinema4D - 3.5" x 2.5"

The definition of nostalgia is essentially "a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations", a concept that heavily inspired the aesthetics and concept of this work.

This work is an exploration of nostalgia, play, and childhood memories in a 3D virtual space using the 3D rendering software Cinema4D (solo project). This is depicted through Tarot cards as they were historically used as game cards, but more recently used for divination concerning the past, present, and future. There is an emphasis on food, simple shapes and pastel scenes presented in an isometric view that draw from the aesthetics of children shows like Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street juxtaposed with darker, depressive themes for subversive humor.
